9 Fun Things to Do During COVID-19 in Port Macquarie This Spring

  • Lord Howe Island

Australia may not have a large concentration of cases right now, but there’s still a chance that the virus could come back yet again. With this in mind, we’ve collected a list of fun things to do in Port Macquarie that have social distancing built right in!  Bago Maze A walk through Bago Maze is always a good time. Even better, it has 2,000 metres of parkway to make it easy to stay at least six feet apart. In fact, the secluded valley around Bago Maze gives visitors the sensation of being the only people on earth.  Mrs. York’s Garden  […]

Social Distancing in Winter: The Best Things to Do in Port Macquarie

  • Port Macquarie in Winter

Social distancing has transformed how we have fun in Port Macquarie, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. As the mild winter months approach, people are ready and raring to get out and about after being cooped up for so long!  And Port Macquarie has safe and fun options for everyone. Even during winter the town is a destination for fun, sun, and leisure.  Perhaps most importantly, these activities are easily enjoyed while social distancing. So don’t be shy – get out in the sun and enjoy the season!  Ricardoes Tomatoes and Strawberries There’s nothing like a […]

Five Things to Do in Port Macquarie When It’s Raining

  • little boy wondering what to do when it is raining.

The sun is not always shining in beautiful Port Macquarie. In fact, the seaside climate sometimes makes for some pretty bad rain storms. While Port Macquarie is known most for being a great outdoor destination, that doesn’t mean there’s nothing to do when it’s not so beautiful out. From museums and restaurants to indoor active spaces and more, there’s still tons to do in Port Macquarie when it’s raining. Take a look at our list of the top five things to do in Port Macquarie when it’s raining. Did we mention your favorite indoor activity? If so, leave a comment! […]

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