9 Fun Things to Do During COVID-19 in Port Macquarie This Spring

  • Lord Howe Island

Australia may not have a large concentration of cases right now, but there’s still a chance that the virus could come back yet again. With this in mind, we’ve collected a list of fun things to do in Port Macquarie that have social distancing built right in!  Bago Maze A walk through Bago Maze is always a good time. Even better, it has 2,000 metres of parkway to make it easy to stay at least six feet apart. In fact, the secluded valley around Bago Maze gives visitors the sensation of being the only people on earth.  Mrs. York’s Garden  […]

Dental Care Tips for Your Child During COVID-19

  • happy child at dentist

It’s all over the news. COVID-19 has shut down businesses, government services, and travel just to name a few. But, it doesn’t have to shut down your child’s dental health.  In times of crisis, it’s easy to forget the importance of keeping up with a dental regimen, especially when other types of cleanliness are taking center stage such as hand washing. But, it may be perhaps the most important time of all to keep up with all types of hygiene as they are all ultimately related.  We’ve come up with a short list of valuable insights into how to keep […]

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