Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment – Endodontics

 Multi-Award winning dentist Dr Jeremy Rourke has a particular interest in Endodontics (Root Canal Treatment) He has completed in excess of 3,000 root canal fillings and has attended over twenty Professional Development courses on Endodontic Techniques. 


When do you need a Root Canal Treatment?

When the pulp of your tooth starts to break down and deteriorate, this treatment will help restore your tooth’s strength and guarantee that your tooth does not erode or cause further medical damage. The pulp is the soft area within the centre of your tooth that contains nerve endings, and a damaged pulp must be removed when it starts to form an abscess in your jawbone. If the damaged pulp is not removed, the infection in your root canal may cause a slew of other symptoms including swelling in other parts of your face, neck, or head, bone loss around the root of your tooth.

Symptoms and when to seek treatment

The need for treatment doesn’t necessarily come with visible symptoms however and there are several telling signs that if you are experiencing then you might need a root canal treatment;

1. Severe aching in your teeth when you chew or apply pressure
2. Extreme sensitivity and pain towards hot or cold temperatures
3. Tenderness and swelling in your gums
4. Darkening of the tooth
5. A returning and persistent pimple on your gums

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, please contact us immediately.

What happens during the root canal treatment?

The procedure will require between 1 and 3 visits to the dentists or endodontist depending on the procedure. The first step in the process is to get an X-ray taken of your root canals—this allows the doctor to assess the shape of your roots, and see whether or not there are any signs of infection in the surrounding bone.

After the X-ray, you will receive local anaesthesia to numb the area of your tooth. Anaesthesia is not always necessary, but most doctors prefer to anesthetise the area to ensure the patient is relaxed. Before drilling into your tooth to remove the pulp, the dentist will place a rubber dam around the infected tooth to keep it dry and free of saliva during the treatment.

A hole is then drilled into the tooth, the pulp is removed, and your root canal is cleaned using root canal files, which scrape the sides of your root canal in order to remove any leftover pulp. Water or sodium hypochlorite is used throughout the treatment to wash away any debris.

After cleaning the tooth needs to be sealed back up. Depending on the severity of the erosion in your root canal, your doctor will either seal up your tooth during the same visit or request that you come back after the medication is applied to the interior of the tooth.

A crown or protective restoration will often be applied to your tooth to restore it to full functionality, and your doctor will advise you on the restorative options available to you.

How much should you expect to pay for a Root Canal Filling?

A Root Canal Filling in a tooth with a single root canal completed over two to three individual appointments typically costs $1050. At Star Dental we do not charge a consultation fee, but you will need an X-Ray, which will cost $40, so we can decide if the tooth actually would benefit from a root canal treatment. If the tooth has more than one root canal, such as an upper first molar, which has four root canals,  then the time required for treatment will be correspondingly longer and the cost will be greater.

What can I expect after endodontic treatment?

After endodontic therapy, any internal pain that was caused by your tooth should be relieved, and most patients can return to their normal daily activities the next day.

The area around your tooth will be tender and swollen, however, and it is recommended to stay away from chewing with these teeth if possible. By keeping food and other materials away from your tooth while it heals, you will minimize the likelihood of recontamination, and prevent the chance that your still fragile and healing tooth will break.

For several days after your procedure, your teeth might feel sensitive or swollen. If you are experiencing pain or discomfort, over the counter medications such as ibuprofen (Nurofen) can help.

Dr Jeremy Rourke has a special interest in endodontic treatments, having completed over twenty  Professional Development courses on endodontic techniques. Please call 65836111 to schedule an appointment, or if you have any questions or endodontic concerns.

Call Us Now To Schedule Your Appointment: 65836111

 Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from another qualified registered Dental Surgeon. Dr Jeremy Rourke B.D.S. (Hons) Syd. Univ. Dental Surgeon


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