9 Fun Things to Do During COVID-19 in Port Macquarie This Spring

  • Lord Howe Island

Australia may not have a large concentration of cases right now, but there’s still a chance that the virus could come back yet again. With this in mind, we’ve collected a list of fun things to do in Port Macquarie that have social distancing built right in! 

Bago Maze

A walk through Bago Maze is always a good time. Even better, it has 2,000 metres of parkway to make it easy to stay at least six feet apart. In fact, the secluded valley around Bago Maze gives visitors the sensation of being the only people on earth. 

Mrs. York’s Garden 

This serene garden is in the middle of everything, which makes it the perfect spot to kick back and take a relaxing stroll. There’s plenty to see, and you can pull over at any of the designated areas to let larger groups pass. 

Kooloonbung Creek Nature Reserve and Historic Cemetery 

There are several areas to get lost in this 52-hectare reserve, and none of them require you to come close to other people. Instead, you can enjoy one of the many things to do in Port Macquarie without worrying about large crowds. You can also take in the solitude of the attached cemetery. 

Mermaid Lookout Track 

Are you looking for a shorter, but still inspired, place to go? Mermaid Lookout Track provides a short hike with a series of rocky coves. You’ll also see mountain views and sweeping beaches during your adventures. Mermaids may not be real, but this place will have you wondering. 


This idyllic little village is only 30 minutes away from the heart of Port Macquarie. Because it’s seaside, there are plenty of opportunities to take walks by the water. Additionally, you can take a close-up look at the many boats that are harboured here. There are spots where you can socialize too, of course, but it’s not necessary to take in much of what makes Laurieton so great. 

Burrawan State Forest 

Has it ever been the middle of the night, and yet you’ve just needed to see some nature right then? The good news is that Burrawan State Forest can help! Open 24/7, seven days a week, and on public holidays, this 600-metre loop track comes together at the base of Old Bottlebutt. As the largest known Red Bloodwood tree, this oddly shaped delight makes everyone smile. 

Willi Willi National Park 

Under the heading of Port Macquarie things to do that you can’t do in the states, this temperate rainforest provides three main paths. While you’re exploring everything the rainforest has to offer, you’re likely to encounter animals, birds, and plants that are protected species. Take a break to have a picnic, then go right back to the wonders of nature. 

Bonny Hills

This is the perfect time of year to visit Bonny Hills, where you can walk on the beaches without running into a lot of people. Another spectacular attraction is the elevated coastal views. You’ll only be approximately 20 kilometres from Port Macquarie, so it’s nothing to come here. Once you arrive, however, the scenery will be worth remembering for a lifetime. 

Metcalfes Walking Track 

Want to introduce your little ones to nature? This is the perfect place to do it, and you might even spot a koala bear! Be sure to keep your eyes on the branches if seeing a koala is your goal. You’ll also be entranced by colourful wildflowers and a whole host of nectar-loving birds.   

Keeping Everyone Safe 

As you can see, Port Macquarie has many things to do that you can’t do in the states. Just make sure to keep everyone safe by social distancing, using hand sanitizer, and double-checking that each place will be open like usual. 

Looking for details about dentistry in port Macquarie? Call us at 65836111 to find out more!  

My name is Jeremy Rourke. I’m part of a family of dentists with my father, brother, cousin and nephew also being dentists. I won a University of Sydney Dental Alumni prize for being the top student in my year and graduated with Honours in 1971. I have been a Registered dentist for over 40 years. In that time I have created a few “firsts” in my efforts to stay ahead.

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